Monday, July 12, 2010

لغة الكائن الحي

الإنسان قال تعال (وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الْأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلائِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنْبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَاءِ هَؤُلاءِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ صَادِقِينَ) (البقرة:31) ترى لو لم يلهم الله الأحياء بأن يتخاطبوا، وأن يلهم كل صنف لغة يتفاهمون، بها كيف تكون الحياة.. ؟ لغة الإنسان، عبارة عن ألفاظ وجمل ينادي بها على الأسماء ويشرح بها الأفعال، وأصوات تعبر عن الاستحسان والاستهجان، قهقهة للفرح، وآهة للألم والحزن وأنين ونداء للاستغاثة، وبهذه أصبح الإنسان يستطيع أن يطلب الغذاء إذا جاع، وأن يستغيث إذا ألم به مكروه... وتمكن من أن يتفاهم مع غيره بما حفظ عليه حياته... ومن أعجب ما يسرت به الحياة على الأحياء.. تفاهم الذين أصابهم العي في ألسنتهم، أو حرموا الكلام أصلا.. فهم يتفاهمون بإشارات أسرع من الألفاظ، وإذا تخاطب اثنان منهم قل من يستطيع أن يتسامعهما، بل لا يمكن لغيرهما أن يفهم كلامهما السريع الطويل.. ولم يتعلموا هذه اللغة إطلاقاً..إنما يسرت لهم كما يسرت لغيرهم الكلام من لدن حكيم خبير. الحـيـــوان : قال تعالى : (حَتَّى إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَى وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لا يَشْعُرُونَ) (النمل:18) أثبت العلم أن للحيوان لغته الخاصة، فلكل نوع من أنواع الحيوانات لغة خاصة به، يتفاهم بها، ويتعارف مع غيره على أحوال ما حوله.. فهذه هي الدجاجة التي تصدر أصواتاً مميزة، فنرى صغارها أقبلت في سرعة تلتقط معها الحب.. وتصدر أصواتاً مخافة، فإذا بالصغار تهرول إلى العش في لحظة. ويقول " ألن ديفو "أحد علماء الحيوان أنه وقف يوماً يراقب ثلاثة من صغار الثعلب تلعب حول أمها، وإذا بصغير منها يدخل في الغابة، ويبتعد عنها بعدا بحيث غاب عن النظر، فاستوت الأم قائمة ومدت أنفها إلى الناحية التي ذهب منها،، وبقيت على حالها هذه برهة عاد بعدها الصغير في اتجاه أمه لا يلتفت يمنة أو يسرة، كأنما كانت تجذبه بخيط لا تراه العين. ومن الدراسات المماثلة أمكن لعلماء الحيوان تعلم لغة الحيوانات. و النحلة إذا عثرت على حقل مزهر عادت إلى الخلية وما إن تتوسطها حتى ترقص رقصاً خاصاً، فإذا بالنحل يندفع إليها، ويسير خلفها إلى حيث تهديه النحلة إلى الزهور. و يقول اللورد" أفبري " أنه طالما أراد أن يمتحن عقل النمل، والوقوف على طريقة التفاهم بين أفراد، فمما فعله في هذا السبيل، أنه وجد يوماً نملة خارجة وحدها من جحرها، فأخذ ذبابة ولصقها على فلينة بدبوس، وألقاها في طريق النملة، فما أن عثرت عليها، حتى أخذت تعالجها بفمها وأرجلها مدة تزيد على العشرين دقيقة، تيقنت بعدها، فعادت أدراجها إلى جحرها، وبعد ثوان معدودة، خرجت النملة تتقدم نحوها و معها اثنتي عشرة نملة من أخواتها، انتهت بها إلى الذبابة ثم وقع عليها النمل، يمزقها تمزيقاً، وعاد النمل إلى جحره وكل منها تحمل جزءاً من الذبابة.. فالنملة الأولى قد رجعت إلى زميلتها ولم يكن معها شيء قط.. فكيف تم لها أن تخبر باقي النمل بأنها وجدت طعاماً سائغاً، وفريسة شهية ما لم يكن تم ذل بلغة خاصة...!!! و يتكلم نمل الشجر في المناطق الاستوائية بلغة عجيبة، إذ يصعد إلى الشجرة ويدق دقات غير منتظمة، تقارب إشارات مورس التلغرافية، ويبلغ من قوتها أن تسمع من بعيد....!! وما صرير صرصار الغيط، الذي كثيراً ما يسمع في الليل الدافئة في الحدائق والمزارع، إلا دعوة منه لأنثاه إذا بعدت عنه. وكذلك نقيق الضفادع الذي لا يحدث إلا ليلاً. و قد لوحظ أن أسراب الفيلة، لا تكف لحظة عن غمغمة، طالما هي تسير في رهط، فإذا تفرقت الجماعة، وسار كل فيل على حدة انقطع الصوت تماماً.. ومن أعجب ما يؤيد لغة الفيلة، تلك الأصوات المزعجة التي تلاحظ عندما تجتمع الفيلة المحكوم عليها لتعيش وحيدة... فقد حكمت عليه الفيلة بالعزلة والوحدة...!!! و أصوات الغراب مميزة تميزاً واضحاً.. فنعيبه أكبر على الخطر. وهو يصدره ليحذر به أبناء جنسه، بينما يصدر في مرحه ولعبه أصواتاً أخرى تقرب من القهقهة و مما يثبت تفاهم جماعات الغربان ما تأتيه في حياتها من أمور تكاد تكون عجيبة، إذ المتداول أن الغراب من الطيور الحقيرة التي يمر عليها الإنسان دون انتباه، ويقول " اكلاند " إن الغراب يفوق الطيور الأخرى منه حجماً،و الأقوى منه، بسبب مكره الممتاز، وبالرغم من أن الغراب لص، وفيه عيوب أخرى من سفاهة ودناءة وخسة،فهو طائر مسل عندما تراقبه.. راقب جماعة من الغربان وقت نومها، تجد أنه بعد محادثة طويلة ذات ضوضاء مع جيرانها، وانتقالها من مكان إلى آخر، يستقر العجوز على فرع شجرة، ويبدأ في التأهب للنوم مبكراً، وما يكاد يفعل حتى تأتي بعض الغربان الأشقياء، تدور حوله مرة أو مرتين، ثم تحط بجواره حتى يوشك أن يفقد توازنه أو تصطدم به عمداً لزحزحته من مكانه... فيعلوا صراخه لانتهاك حرمته، وإقلاق راحته، بصوت مميز. وتتكرر هذه المحاولات وتصيح صغار الغربان بأصوات ضاحكة تعلن عن فرحها.. وليس هناك أدنى شك في أن الغربان مغرمة بالهزل، وتنظم الألعاب لنفسها. فقد قرر العلماء أنها تلعب المساكة والاستغماء...!! و مما لوحظ في دراسة حياة الغربان أنها تحب كل الأشياء التي تبرق في الشمس. ولكل غراب مخزنه السري الخاص به الذي قد يكون ثغرة في شجرة، أو تحت سقف برج قديم، أو خلف حجر في كوبري، وقد وجد أن بأحد المخازن التي أمكن اكتشافها، من دراسي حياة الغربان قطعة من مرآة مكسورة ويد فنجان، وقطعة من صفيح وأخرى من معدن، وأشياء تافهة متنوعة كلها تتفق في أنها تتألق في الشمس. و يفهم الحيوان لغة الإنسان ويستجيب لها، كما يدعو الإنسان الدجاج إلى الغذاء بصوت معروف، ويدعوا الإوز والبط بصوت مغاير ويدعو الدواب إلى الشراب بالصفير كما يستطيع الأولاد في الريف عند صيد السمك من جذبه قريباً منهم بأصوات خاصة. وكلنا نعلم أن الكلب في المنزل أن الكلب في المنزل يعرف بل ينفذ أوامر سيده، وفي أمريكا رجل أسمه "جاك ماينز " تخصص في دراسة الإوز البري، وبلغ من علمه بلغتها، أنه يستطيع أن يدعو سرباً طائراً إلى النزول، حيث يختفي وذلك بأن يخاطب الإوز بلغتها ويخبرها بوجود بركة صالحة وطعام كثير. و قد يستطيع الإنسان أن يبادل الحيوان لغته ويتفاهم معه، فقد كتب "مورتون طمسون " في "مجلة "The American Mercury أن أخاه لويس الطالب بمدرسة الطيران كان يسمى " لويس الحصان " إذ أنه كان يكلم الخيل ويحادثها، وبدأ بذلك وهو طالب في مدرسة قرية في " سان دييجو " وكان بها خيول غير مروضة، كثيراً ما قضى معها لويس الأوقات الطويلة، يلاعبها ويروضها، ولم يقضي إجازته، بل ولا فسحته إلا إما راكباً أو مصاحباً حصاناً. وكان يراهن التلاميذ على أي حصان يفوز في سباقها.. ولم يحدث أن أخطأ مرة، ولما حاول أخوه أن يهتدي إلى سر ذلك، أجابه أن الخيل تخبرني عن حالتها في الجري، ورأيها في راكبها، وفي المضمار، وكثيراً ما وضع ذلك موضع الاختبار والامتحان، فكان يذهب إلى حلبة الخيل في أي مكان وكلما مر به حصان نظر إليه لويس نظرة متسائلة بصوت معين، فيلتفت الحصان ويلوي عنقه بهزات معينة، وهمهمة خاصة. ثم أخيراً ينطق لويس برقم الحصان الذي سيفوز. قال لأخيه يوماص : الجواد 1 يتمنى أن يربح، ولكنه لا يحب راكبه. أما الجواد 2 فحالته اليوم سيئة، ولن يفوز. أما رقم 3 فهو يتحدى إذ أنه صمم على الفوز.

Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc. Announces Site Selection for Its Proposed Used Oil Re-refining Facility

a leading provider of parts cleaning and hazardous and non-hazardous waste services to small and mid-sized customers, is pleased to announce that it has selected Indianapolis, Indiana as the location for its used oil re-refining facility. As previously announced, the Company plans to construct a used oil re-refinery to convert used oil into re-refined lubricating base oil. The Company plans to build the re-refinery on recently acquired property that is located on West 10th Street, in the Town of Speedway, a division of Indianapolis, Indiana.

"Indiana is well located with good infrastructure and supports the recycling of used oil. The state of Indiana, the city of Indianapolis, as well the town of Speedway have embraced the project and committed support for the new facility through various incentives," said CEO Joe Chalhoub.

Safe Harbor Statement

All references to the "Company," "we," "our," and "us" refer to Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc., and its subsidiary, Heritage-Crystal Clean, LLC.

This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current management expectations. Generally, the words "aim," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "should," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," "would" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause our actual results, performance or achievements or industry results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other important factors include, among others: our ability to complete our used oil re-refinery as anticipated; the selection of the used oil re-refinery; the used oil re-refinery does not perform as anticipated; we are unable to generate sufficient funds to build and support our used oil re-refinery; our ability to comply with the extensive environmental, health and safety and employment laws and regulations that our Company is subject to; changes in environmental laws that affect our business model; competition; claims relating to our handling of hazardous substances; the limited demand for our used solvent; our dependency on key employees; our ability to effectively manage our extended network of branch locations; warranty expense and liability claims; personal injury litigation; dependency of suppliers; economic conditions including the recent recession and financial crisis, and downturns in the business cycles of automotive repair shops, industrial manufacturing business and small businesses in general; increased solvent, fuel and energy costs and volatility in the price of crude oil; the control of The Heritage Group over our Company; and the risks identified in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 5, 2010. Given these uncertainties, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. We assume no obligation to update or revise them or provide reasons why actual results may differ. The information in this release should be read in light of such risks and in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this release.

About Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc.

Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc. provides parts cleaning and hazardous and non-hazardous waste services to small and mid-sized customers in both the manufacturing and automotive service sectors. Our service programs include parts cleaning, containerized waste management, used oil collection, and vacuum truck services. These services help our customers manage their used chemicals and liquid and solid wastes, while also helping to minimize their regulatory burdens. Our customers include businesses involved in vehicle maintenance operations, such as car dealerships, automotive repair shops, and trucking firms, as well as small manufacturers, such as metal product fabricators and printers. Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc. is headquartered in Elgin, Illinois, and operates through 62 branches serving over 41,000 customer locations.

The original topic : black gold lifeline

Devon Energy reports Alberta Oil Sands well leak

Devon Energy reports Alberta Oil Sands well leak

CALGARY (MarketWatch) -- A blowout at one of Devon Energy Inc.'s /quotes/comstock/13*!dvn/quotes/nls/dvn (DVN 63.49, -0.01, -0.02%) oil sands wells in northeastern Alberta over the weekend sprayed an oil mist into the air for nearly 36 hours, the company and regulators said Monday.

Devon employees discovered a leak in one of the producer wells at the company's 35,000 barrel-a-day Jackfish facility mid-day Saturday and managed to seal the leak by midnight Sunday, a Devon spokeswoman said.

No one was injured and regulators said there was no danger to the public. The Alberta Environment ministry and the Alberta Energy Conservation Resources Board are investigating the cause of the leak.

Jackfish is a two-year-old "in situ" oil sands project, in which pairs of wells are used to inject steam underground to soften oil sands, and then to pump back up a mixture of oil sands and steam. The project has 28 such well pairs, and the leak occurred in one of the older sections of the project, the Devon spokeswoman said.

The blowout shot an oil-steam mixture about 30 to 40 feet into the air, most of which fell back onto Devon's lease, the spokeswoman said, though some was carried off the site by the wind. She said the company was tracking where the oil went and set up containment booms downstream of a nearby creek as a preventative measure.

Jackfish is located in a relatively remote area, but is about 12 miles from the small town of Conklin, Alberta.

Devon said it doesn't yet know how much oil was released, nor the cost of repairing the well.

Devon is currently building a second Jackfish project nearby of the same size, which will be complete by the end of the year. Construction was not affected by the blowout, the spokeswoman said.

The original topic : black gold lifeline

Brazil Oil Regulator Says Franco Well Could Produce 50,000 B/D

Brazil Oil Regulator Says Franco Well Could Produce 50,000 B/D

RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Brazil's National Oil Regulatory Agency, known as ANP, said it concluded its first formation test at the Franco well, which may have potential to produce 50,000 barrels a day.

Franco, which is the name given to the Brazilian state's 2-ANP-1-RJS well, has light oil measuring about 30 degrees API, ANP said in a statement Monday.

Initial studies by independent auditors indicate oil reserves in the deep-sea Franco well could top initial estimates of 4.5 billion barrels, according to earlier-reported ANP statements.

The ANP hired Gaffney Cline & Associates to assess reserves in the Franco and Libra areas under the subsalt layer of Brazil's Santos basin.

The Franco area is owned by the government and may be incorporated into a state plan to capitalize Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR, PETR4.BR), or Petrobras, under which the company receives the rights to produce up to 5 billion barrels of crude oil from government-held deepwater blocks in return for shares.

The original topic : black gold lifeline

Deadline looms for giant oil skimmer

Deadline looms for giant oil skimmer

NEW ORLEANS — A giant Taiwanese oil skimmer faces a Thursday deadline to show progress in its efforts to help clean up the massive spill.

Frank Maisano, a spokesman for the shipping company that owns the "A Whale" skimmer, says rough seas have hampered its ability to suck up oily water from an area near the gushing well. But Maisano said the crew is making technical and tactical changes that should improve its performance.

The A Whale has been performing tests in the Gulf since last week. The Coast Guard has given the skimmer until Thursday to prove its value.

The skimmer is capable of sucking up to 21 million gallons of oily water per day.

The original topic : black gold lifeline

BP Gains on Bid to Stop Gulf Oil Leak, Alaskan Sales

BP Gains on Bid to Stop Gulf Oil Leak, Alaskan Sales

BP Plc jumped the most in 20 months in London trading on speculation the company may succeed in halting the biggest oil spill in U.S. history this week as it negotiates the sale of assets in Alaska.

BP climbed 9.4 percent, the most since November 2008, to close at 398.95 pence in London. That’s 31 percent higher than the low reached June 25. The shares are still down 39 percent since the April 20 accident in the Gulf of Mexico that triggered the leak.

The producer said it may be able to cut off the flow of oil from the damaged well this week, beginning with a pressure test today. Separately, BP is in talks to sell assets to Apache Corp. for a price of less than $12 billion, people familiar with the matter said yesterday. That deal alone would put BP ahead of its target of $10 billion in asset sales to help cover spill costs.

“There’s limited material downside after the well is capped,” said Jason Kenney, an analyst at ING Wholesale Banking in Edinburgh. “You can put Alaska in a pot beside Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela and Vietnam assets that are being looked at.”

If the well passes the 48-hour test, BP may shut it, Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, told reporters. The relief wells BP is drilling will still be needed to permanently plug it, he said.

Spill Costs

BP scrapped its dividend and said last month it will sell some assets to raise $10 billion for cleanup costs, fines and legal damages from the Gulf spill. The company said today it has spent $3.5 billion on the spill. It agreed to establish a $20 billion fund for damage claims with President Barack Obama last month.

The drop in BP shares has prompted speculation that it may be taken over.

Exxon Mobil Corp., based in Irving, Texas, has been told by the U.S. government it can look at a potential bid for BP, the London-based Sunday Times reported, citing unidentified people.

“If Exxon shows its hand, there would be others queuing up behind it,” ING’s Kenney said. “BP screams out as being cheap at the minute because the value of its assets is about $90 billion more than the current enterprise value.”

It is unlikely that Exxon will actually bid for BP, Kenney said. Robert Dye, a spokesman for Apache, and Max McGahan, a BP spokesman, declined to comment on the asset sales. Exxon declined to comment on its reported interest in BP.

BP fell 13 percent on June 1 after an attempt to plug the leak by injecting mud and debris from the top of well failed. Relief wells, which will intersect the damaged Macondo well near the bottom to stop the flow of oil and gas, are running ahead of schedule and may be completed this month, National Incident Commander Thad Allen said last week.

The cost of insuring BP debt against default fell for the ninth straight day, dropping 35.5 basis points to 335.5, according to CMA DataVision, the lowest since June 8.

--With assistance from Eduard Gismatullin and Abigail Moses in London. Editors: Stephen Cunningham, Will Kennedy.

The original topic : black gold lifeline

Free Buffett beach show draws crowd on oil coast

GULF SHORES, Ala. — Tens of thousands of people dressed in Hawaiian shirts and parrot hats sang and danced on a broad beach Sunday at a free Jimmy Buffett concert meant to show not all the tourists are covered in oil on the Gulf Coast.

The show, which was telecast live on the CMT cable channel, came on a particularly good day: The skies were mostly clear and only a little oil was washing in on the white sand about 100 miles north of the Deepwater Horizon site. A sand-filled barrier erected by the Alabama National Guard kept members of the audience from getting near the surf just in case.

Buffett, who grew up on the Alabama coast, came on stage to a huge cheer.

"It's a little like Jazz Fest with an ocean," said Buffett, referring to the huge music festival in New Orleans. "It is a pleasure to be here on a beautiful Gulf Coast day."

Buffett's set list included favorites like "Son of a Son of a Sailor," "Come Monday" and "Margaritaville," with its line about "all of those tourists covered with oil." His biggest fans, who call themselves "Parrotheads," sang along with every word.

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley said the state might use its $15 million in tourism promotion money from BP to stage additional shows through the fall.

"With all the Gulf states running commercials saying, `Our beaches our beautiful,' we'll show people ours are," Riley said. "It would be something different, and a great way to get people to the coast."

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist even came to see Buffett.

"I think all the Gulf states will benefit from this," Crist said. "We're all in this together. God bless Jimmy Buffett."

The Buffett bash accomplished its goal of luring visitors to the coast despite the oil spill: Parking lots were fuller than they had been in days outside of hotels, condominiums, restaurants and souvenir stores in this beach town of 5,000 residents.

Organizers gave away 35,000 tickets, but an officials attendance count wasn't available.

The concert originally was scheduled for July 1 but had to be postponed because heavy surf from Hurricane Alex.

Buffett was born in Mississippi and grew up on the Alabama coast, and his sister owns a popular restaurant and marina on the intracoastal waterway within a few miles of the beach. Buffett played a surprise concert there on June 30 after the cancellation.

The original topic : black gold lifeline